Upcoming events
Sailing for Change
Join us for a side-event at Peace Boat US Hangout: Sailing for Change Film Festival for the UN Ocean Decade.
Extreme Hangout
Green Zone
Bridging Horizons: Youth-Powered Climate Solutions in Latin America and the Caribbean
Join us at the Peru Pavilion Blue Zone for “Bridging Horizons: Youth-Powered Climate Solutions in Latin America and the Caribbean,” hosted by Kneyzuz Energy, Peruvian Ministry of Environment, Eco Vybz, and Peace Boat US. The event, which will feature Blue Planet Alliance Global Ambassadors, promises to be an immersive experience celebrating the relentless determination of youth fighting climate change. Join us to discover groundbreaking innovations, fostering cross-border collaboration, and amplify diverse voices as we collectively shape a sustainable future.
Capacity Building for Intergenerational Leadership and Youth Empowerment on the Climate and Ocean
Join Peace Boat and partners in this dialogue about empowerment and intergenerational leadership for ambitious climate action. Young leaders and Peace Boat representatives will share their experiences and insights on what we need to drive ambition and make the processes for advocacy truly inclusive.
SE. Room 1 – Blue Zone
Capacity Building and Connections
The event will demonstrate ways in which youth are leading the drive for greater climate ambition and climate adaptation. It will explore particularly the value of capacity building, networks, and peer-to-peer exchange for youth across the Pacific, as well as from other large ocean states. Participants in Blue Planet Alliance and Peace Boat’s Youth for SDGs for the UN Ocean Decade, which was launched this year, as well as Blue Planet Alliance and Peace Boat’s Ocean and Climate Youth Ambassador program, which provide capacity building for youth from SIDS, have said that the opportunity to build networks not only from the Pacific but also from SIDS in the Indian Ocean and Caribbean has strengthened their work in their own communities.
Moana Blue Pacific Pavilion – Blue Zone
Islands Panel
At the IRENA Pavilion, Blue Planet Alliance and our partner Greening the Islands will co-host a panel featuring representatives from three islands: Barbados, Malta, and Mauritius, with a conversation about transitioning to 100% renewable energy. Our founder, Henk Rogers, will also have a featured speaking role.
Greening Communities
Join us at the Greening Education Hub Green Zone for an impactful event titled “Greening Communities: Climate Education, Capacity Building, and Awareness Raising for the SDGs.” Hosted by Peace Boat US, Blue Planet Alliance, EarthEco International, Island Innovation, and Ocean Acidification Alliance, this session promises to be an exciting opportunity to discuss climate education.
Coalition for Rainforest Nations
Achieving Climate Equity in the Transition to Net Zero Economies. Our founder Henk Rogers will have a speaking role in this event.
Press Conference
Peace Boat Ecoship will bring together perspectives from different areas of the maritime sector to discuss the topic of decarbonization, featuring Peace Boat’s Emilie McGlone, Blue Planet Alliance’s Henk Rogers, Ocean Acidification Alliance’s Jessie Turner, and Ocean and Climate Youth Ambassador Khadija Stewart.
Press Conference Room 2, Blue Zone, B6 of Building 77.
Building on COP 28 Partnerships
A three-part panel, focusing on leadership, youth, and partnerships with specific applications to the transition to 100% renewable energy.
Arizona State University Pavilion, Blue Zone
Sailing for the UN Ocean Decade
Join Peace Boat US Director Emilie McGlone for a presentation of the programs they designed for the UN Ocean Decade and the nature-inspired vessel that will inspire decarbonization of the maritime sector and a renewable-energy future.
Get to know how the Ecoship will promote the UN Sustainable Development Goals and our efforts to empower youth for the UN Ocean Decade.
Ocean Pavilion – Blue Zone
Capacity Building and Connections: Amplifying Island Youth Voices for Climate Ambition and the SDGs
The event will demonstrate ways in which youth are leading the drive for greater climate ambition and climate adaptation. It will explore particularly the value of capacity building, networks, and peer-to-peer exchange for youth from large ocean states as participants in the Blue Planet Alliance and Peace Boat US “Youth for SDGs” program, which was officially endorsed by IOC UNESCO as a Contribution to the UN Ocean Decade, as well as Blue Planet Alliance and Peace Boat’s Ocean and Climate Youth Ambassador program. The event will explore collaborations with governments, civil society, and academia, looking at how youth can contribute to public engagement, education, and awareness for political change.
Island of Hope
Tickets: https://www.cop-28.org/island-of-hope
Building on COP28 Partnerships – GASP Pavilion Event
Join us at the GASP Pavilion in the Blue Zone for a pivotal event, “Building on COP 28 Partnerships.” This session, hosted by Peace Boat US and Blue Planet Alliance, will focus on collaborative efforts towards achieving the SDGs and a 100% renewable energy future in Small Island Developing States by 2045. Be part of the conversation and engage with our youth leaders and advocates working towards a sustainable planet.
Global Alliance for a Sustainable Planet (GASP) Pavilion, Blue Zone
Achieving 100% Renewable Energy by 2045
Blue Planet Alliance and Peace Boat are co-hosting an event to showcase how our initiatives and efforts are heading toward 100% renewable energy by 2045. Youth for the SDGs scholars, Blue Planet Alliance Global Ambassadors and Peace Boat US representatives will join this discussion.
Extreme Hangout Pavilion, Green Zone
Tickets: https://greenzonepass-register.cop28.com
100% Renewable Energy Transition Panel
At the UNDESA Pavilion, our partner Greening the Islands will have a fireside chat with our founder, Henk Rogers.
Featuring the award-winning immersive experience 'Sounds of the Ocean,' opening with an evocative bilingual poem from the University of Exeter ‘We Are the Possible: 12 Poems for 12 Days of COP28 between UK and UAE. At Center Stage (Expo City). More info here.
Press Conference
Blue Planet Alliance, Ocean Alliance, and Peace Boat US are hosting a press conference highlighting sustainability education for the UN Ocean Decade and Youth Leadership for Ocean and Climate Action. This event hosts Youth for the SDGs Scholars Kneyone Murray and Francisco Lara along with Jacquelyn Francis from the Global Warming Mitigation Project, Herland Cerveaux of OceanHub Africa, and Francois Rogers from Blue Planet Alliance, moderated by Emilie McGlone, Director of Peace Boat US.
Press Conference Room 2, Zone B6 – Building 77
More information: https://unfccc.int/news
Island of Hope at COP28
Blue Planet Alliance and Peace Boat are participating in the Island of Hope at COP 28. Island Innovation is the official Program Partner for the Island of Hope’s Island stage, taking place between December 4-8, 2023. The Island Stage will host an extensive daily conference dedicated to bringing together key global actors from small island states and climate-vulnerable regions with donors, investors, and solution providers to accelerate climate adaptation, resilience, and ecosystem restoration.
Madinat Jumeirah Conference Centre, Dubai, UAE
Align private sector dynamism with public sector ambition. Accelerate transformative innovations. Celebrate bold leadership and brave action. At Madinat Jumeirah Conference Centre. Register for a pass here.
Samuel Lawrence Foundation, Live from Dubai
Webinar hosted by our Alliance partner with special guests from Dubai.
UNFCCC Official Exhibit
Joint exhibit on the Youth for SDGs by Blue Planet Alliance and Peace Boat US.
"Sailing for Change - Showcasing initiatives for youth capacity building for ocean and climate including Peace Boat's Youth for SDGs and Ocean and Climate Youth Ambassador Program. Featuring youth from SIDS and minority communities."
Making Waves
Peace Boat US has curated an interactive art exhibition featuring images from the UN Ocean Decade program including AR (Augmented Reality) to raise awareness for ocean and climate action. Attendees will be able to download the ‘Artivive’ app for free and see the images in the AR gallery come to life, bringing special messages for climate action and preservation of our ocean.
The Making Waves exhibit will showcase Peace Boat’s collaborations across the United States working with local governments, academia, civil society and youth groups to develop capacity building for youth. Peace Boat’s collaborations focus on the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, a major global initiative to deepen scientific knowledge of the sea and revitalize our oceans. The exhibit will draw on Peace Boat activities over the past year and announce new initiatives including Peace Boat US’ “Youth for the SDGs” scholarship program, supporting youth to travel the world onboard Peace Boat, which sails with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) logo on the hull, bringing the message of the SDGs to more than 100 countries per year.
Women and Climate Gala
Women-focused event at Vero Sky Bar at Hilton Jumeira. Purchase tickets here.