Fall Forecast

With the looming U.S. Presidential election (understandably) taking up so much media attention, there is a solid chance that all of the important work that will take place this month in NYC will be overshadowed, and not get the oxygen it deserves. 

That is why it is more important than ever to pay attention to what is happening at events like UNGA and Climate Week NYC (both in New York this month) and COP29 (Azerbaijan in November).

Blue Planet Alliance will, as it has since it was launched three years ago, have a major presence at UNGA and Climate Week NYC, which together unquestionably form one of the two biggest climate gatherings on the planet every year, the other being the annual UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC, also known as “COP,” UN-speak for “Conference of the Parties”). This year, because the November COP will be taking place in Azerbaijan — the third consecutive COP to be hosted by an oil state, and a country with a less-than-stellar human rights record — there are a number of regulars who have penciled it out. Which means that the New York gathering this month will be elevated even higher than it already is.

BPA will host its three regularly held UNGA events:

  • Global Ambassador Dinner: in which we bring our young Ambassadors from around the world to New York, to give them exposure to the events here and help better prepare them for a trajectory in global climate stewardship. (BPA is committed to working with next-gen talents from islands by bringing them to UNGA, COP, and other UN events throughout the year. To help support this effort, consider donating to our work here.)

  • Island Partnership Dinner: in which we host an intimate evening of thought leadership with a select group of about 40 people, including ambassadors and ministers from the island countries that we aim to help transition to 100% renewable energy

  • Climate Talks & Celebration: our flagship annual event on the closing night of UNGA and Climate Week NYC at the Hard Rock Hotel, in which we have a number of panels, fireside chats, keynotes, and other presentations with 300 of our closest friends. The first two are private events, but if you can, please join us at the Hard Rock for an unforgettable evening! (Register via the link here.)

BPA will also be taking part in other events throughout the week, including keynotes and panels produced by our partners. 

Most notably, those other events include:

  • Global Climate Strikes: The link here is hosted by the nonprofit climate-action group 350.org, but there are two climate strikes planned: Both will be organized by Fridays for Future, the student-led organization founded by Greta Thunberg. The first will be held on Friday Sept. 20th, while the second will take place a week later on Friday, Sept. 27th, and the latter will be co-hosted by Earth Strike. As we did last year, Blue Planet Alliance is offering financial support to the strike, and will also be handing out signs to marchers. Check this link frequently for updates on timing.

  • Summit of the Future: BPA and our partners Peace Boat US will be co-hosting an official side event of the UN’s Summit of the Future on Monday, Sept. 23rd, across the street from the UN at 777 UN Plaza. “Capacity Building for Intergenerational Collaboration and SIDS Youth Empowerment on Climate and Ocean Action” will showcase the important role of youth in scaling up ocean action, in particular youth from SIDS on the front lines of the ocean and climate crises.

  • Science Summit UNGA: Our partner Kinetik presents “Islands Shaping the Future,” co-hosted by the Kingdom of Tonga, the Republic of Kiribati, Peace Boat US, and Blue Planet Alliance, on Wednesday, Sept. 25th. The all-day event is part of Science Summit UNGA 79 and the focus will be on islands, with various panels on resilience, bioculture, biomimicry, coastal innovations, with appearances on panels by BPA’s Henk Rogers and Francois Rogers. (Limited seating, register here https://kinetikvc.com/science-summit-unga)

Make sure to follow us on social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram) for the latest on our scheduled appearances.

Special Summit

As UN Secretaries-General often do, this year Antonio Gutteres is convening a special meeting in September, during UNGA, called the Summit of the Future. The Summit is a high-level event, as the UN website notes, that will bring “world leaders together to forge a new international consensus on how we deliver a better present and safeguard the future. Effective global cooperation is increasingly critical to our survival but difficult to achieve in an atmosphere of mistrust, using outdated structures that no longer reflect today’s political and economic realities. This once-in-a-generation opportunity serves as a moment to mend eroded trust and demonstrate that international cooperation can effectively achieve agreed goals and tackle emerging threats and opportunities.”

Look for the word “future” and predictive thinking as a throughline for all this fall’s activities.

September Events

September is absolutely jam-packed with events globally for activists and academics, public and private sector leaders, and those generally concerned with the future of our shared planet, as the below small sampling of key events demonstrates: 

9/4-9/6: First Islands Water Congress (Torshavn, Faroe Islands)

9/5-9/6: Fifth Global Climate and SDG Synergy Conference (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

9/5-9/6: Third Berlin Forum on Chemicals and Sustainability (Berlin, Germany)

9/7: International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies 2024

9/8-9/13: IAH World Groundwater Conference (Davos, Switzerland)

9/10-9/30: United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) (New York, NY)

9/12-9/13: One Planet Network Forum (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

9/13-9/15: Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) USA (Tempe, Arizona)

9/16: International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

9/20: Global Climate Strike (New York, NY — and globally)

9/20-9/22: Climate Film Festival 2024 (New York, NY)

9/20-9/23: United Nations Summit of the Future (New York, NY)

9/20-9/29: Global Goals Week (New York, NY)

9/21: International Day of Peace

9/22-9/29: Climate Week NYC (New York, NY)

9/23: One Water Summit (New York, NY)

9/23: Pyxera Global's “A Path Forward: Scaling Solutions for a Regenerative and Just Transition” (New York, NY)

9/23-9/24: Clinton Global Initiative (New York, NY)

9/23-9/27: UN SDG Media Zone (New York, NY)

9/24-9/25: UNGC Leaders Summit (New York, NY)

9/24-9/26: Business Fights Poverty's Global Goals Summit (New York, NY)

9/24-9/26: Devex @ UNGA79 (New York, NY)

9/25: UN High-Level Meeting on Sea-Level Rise (New York, NY)

9/25: Science Summit UNGA 79: Islands Shaping the Future (New York, NY)

9/26: UN High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) (New York, NY)

9/26: International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

9/26: World Environmental Health Day

9/27: World Tourism Day

9/28: Global Citizen Festival (New York, NY)

9/28: World Maritime Day

9/30: International Podcast Day


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