Using AI to Help Farmers Grow Their Businesses
Lilan Dayananda is a BPA Global Ambassador from Sri Lanka. His startup uses technologies like IoT devices and AI to help small farmers in his country optimize harvests and better navigate climate change.
Let There Be Renewable Light!
BPA makes an invited presentation to Caribbean legislators of the highest level, preaching the benefits of renewable energy.
Uniting for Survival
BPA Global Ambassador Kneyone Murray notes that, “as Caribbean people, we must come together to forge collaboration. Despite contributing the least to climate change, we face its full brunt. Therefore, we must take matters into our own hands.”
Small Island Exceptionalism
The 4th Small Island Developing States conference in Antigua last month looked to forge a new financial model for islands, so they can chart a course toward resilient prosperity.
57 Varieties
Islands come in all shapes and sizes, and with different resources. But some commonalities bind them together, which will be explored at SIDS4 next week.
Islands in the ‘Dreams’
Three new islands signed agreements with us last week, pledging to go 100% by 2045. We also got to share stories and excitement about the future we are trying to build for the planet.
Blue Planet Alliance Annual Report 2023
Read the Blue Planet Alliance Annual Report 2023 to see all the work we did last year to help the world transition to a 100% renewable-energy future.
More Islands Learn How to Go 100% Renewable
Last year, BPA hosted our first-ever Fellowship cohort, bringing representatives from eight islands to Hawaii to convene a vigorous workshop on how each guest could help their island replicate the success of Hawaii's renewable-energy plan (the Aloha State signed into law a transition to 100% renewable energy by 2045). Now in May, the next cohort of 10 islands will visit Hawaii.
CNMI Joins Blue Planet Alliance
CNMI becomes the sixth country or territory to sign a Blue Planet Climate Agreement. Gov. Arnold Palacios signed the agreement today, pledging a commitment to 100% renewable energy for the U.S. territory by 2045.
African Insights
In the latest in a series of blogs by our BPA Global Ambassadors, Nathalia Lawen of Seychelles reflects on her participation in a recent Cape Town conference that "provided a remarkable platform for connecting fellow change makers who are revolutionizing their communities across Africa."
Harnessing the Power of Patagonia
Francisco Lara is a BPA Global Ambassador who recently made a voyage to Patagonia, Chile, aboard our partner organization, Peace Boat. In the latest in a series of blogs by our Ambassadors, Fran shares his insights about how the low-population density area has the potential for great wind power.
Prince Edward Island Leading by Example
Prince Edward Island (PEI) may be Canada's smallest province, but its commitment to sustainability looms large. So notes BPA Global Ambassador Kneyone Murray in a new blog, in advance of his attending an important conference in PEI in May.
Why Postpone Energy Independence?
The Cayman Islands have an opportunity to become energy independent by transitioning to a healthier, more cost-effective energy source. But short-term thinking is getting in the way.
Bridging the Gap
“This was my third year at COP,” writes one of our Global Ambassadors, “and every year I am more and more impressed by the incredible work that I see young people bringing to and sharing at this UN climate change conference.”
Changing Mindsets Before It’s Too Late
COP28, in the perspective of one of our Global Ambassadors, “falls somewhere in between success and failure. While there were small victories, the conference was dominated by rhetoric rather than concrete action.”
Overcoming Impostor Syndrome in Dubai
For me, COP28 was a place of both personal and professional growth, overcoming my impostor syndrome and stepping into my own confident Ocean and Climate Specialist.
Progress Driven by Civil Society
Civil society is making progress along with policy-makers, but much of the real action at COP28 in Dubai took place out of the negotiating rooms, and instead occurred at side events, where the voices of youth were heard.
Championing Inclusive Climate Solutions
In the first of a series of blogs about COP28 written by Blue Planet Global Ambassadors, Ashley Lashley notes: "As a young person from Barbados, I’m particularly delighted by the early agreement at COP, highlighting the establishment of a Loss and Damage Fund. The initial pledges made by countries, amounting to over $700m, holds promise."
Deliberating in the Desert
While we will let the pundits weigh the merit of the ultimate agreement signed in Dubai for COP28, we can say unequivocally that the conference was a success for Blue Planet Alliance. BPA is actively working to achieve the results the planet needs to stave off environmental catastrophe.
Blue Planet Alliance Grows Larger at COP28
Palau and Curacao Sign Blue Planet Climate Agreements in Dubai, committing to 100% renewable energy by 2045